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Tickle me T'rone: Menopause and Testosterone Therapy

You may want to call T'rone!

When the words “women” and “testosterone” are mentioned together, many people immediately think of aggressive behavior or body image issues, but there’s much more to the testosterone hormone than that.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone produced by both men and women and plays a crucial role in both sexes. In women, testosterone helps regulate our metabolism, libido, mood, and more; and as we move into our pre-menopausal age and into perimenopause, our testosterone levels begin to decline. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as testosterone also has an effect on our mood and behavior in a negative way, with too little causing sadness and too much possible rage. 

Aside from physical changes, one of the widely-publicized benefits of taking testosterone as a woman is enhancing your sex drive.

If you’ve known me for a long time, you might remember my bodybuilding and bench-pressing days and wonder….hmm...was she on T?

Nope! It wasn’t until I turned 50 that I first tried testosterone hormone therapy.

There are 3 reasons I tried testosterone, AKA T'rone, AKA the magic elixir for perimenopause.

1: I like to try things that I recommend to patients and clients. Each body is different, but personal experience is one way that I learn.

2: I learned so much about testosterone when I was working in men’s health. That experience and education took a lot of the stigma away.

3: My sex drive was in the slow lane, Even after estrogen, progesterone, exercise, sunlight, and therapy, there was a major disconnect with my sexual being, and that is not me!

Testosterone for Menopausal Women

In 2014 Harvard Health put out a newsletter, a B is bourgie, where they talked about the benefits of T for menopausal women.

“A study in the journal Menopause, published online in August, may fill that void. Researchers in Australia tested both 5-mg and 10-mg doses of a standardized 1% testosterone cream in seven healthy postmenopausal women with imperceptible blood levels of testosterone. They found that applying the 5-mg dose to the upper arm daily for six weeks brought testosterone levels back into the normal premenopausal range, while using the 10-mg dose elevated levels above the premenopausal range. Neither dose was associated with masculinizing side effects.” (Harvard Health October 2014)

When it comes to low sex drive and low libido, testosterone is something for all folks to consider once they have eliminated other causes of low sex drive (and there are many).

What causes low sex drive?

Aside from low Testosterone, few causes of low libido can include:

Shitty relationship/s

Stress + anxietyy

Thyroid issues

Low estrogen

A sedentary lifestyle

Glucose control issues


and more!

It's a vicious cycle once that snowball is rollin'.

How do I know if testosterone therapy is right for me?

There are a multitude of testosterone supplements for menopausal women.

(One thing to keep in mind about T is that it converts to estrogen, specifically estradiol.)

Testosterone Pellets for Menopause

I have heard of some women using testosterone pellets as their first option for hormone care.

As a menopause provider, I would not recommend testosterone pellets because

A: Pellets don’t leave room for titration (lowering or increasing the dose). What you get is what you get!

B. Inserting testosterone pellets is invasive. The process involves lidocaine and a scalpel. I will say no more.


C. Testosterone pellets are expensive.

(While I am low-key “bougie” ... I am also frugal 🐣. )

Topical Testosterone for Menopausal Women

Testosterone that comes in a cream or a gel is economical and easier to titrate. Interestingly, your provider will need to use off-label if you are a woman folk, as the USA only has testosterone for men. Australia is the only country that has a formulation for specifically for women! Regardless, this is a controlled option that can be adjusted based on your body's response. I recommend testosterone cream for most patients who are new to testosterone.

When should I consider taking testosterone during perimenopause?

If you are on hormonal care, and your estrogen is feeling good and doing as it should - decreased hot flashes, less intense night sweats, and bone protection - but you are experiencing low libido, it may be time to think about T. You can discuss supplement options like DHEA, Vitamin D, Zinc or Testosterone gel with your primary care provider.

Low libido is not something you have to settle with! That spicy part of you is not gone forever.

Sex is a quality of life issue, and I want you to have a luxurious, 'juicy booty' quality of life. Settling is so last year.

Be proactive and consider giving T'rone a ring during your perimenopause journey.

With love,



Hormone support and perimenopause guidance

Not ready to talk to your provider, or do you have a provider that is clueless? My program, Agelust Labs might be exactly what you need.

Agelust Labs is a group program that is concentrated into 8-week sessions where you create a blueprint of solutions to implement on your own or take to your provider. This is evidence-based work focused on what matters most to you regardless of where you are in your menopause journey. 

38 struggling with PMS

45 and had a real hot flash

55+ been there, done that, and need more 

We create clarity together and offer solutions that you start implementing on day one. A personalized and intimate experience. 

We start January 15, 2023 at 4pm EST. Wanna know more send me an email at or follow and DM on the IG @agelustco (the website will be up soon). 



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The Private Parts Of Wellness

Jessica Jolie Badonsky N.P.

Family Health PLLC
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Bronx NY 10463

Office\Text 917-821-1767

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